EU Referendum: Energy & Climage Change

There’s only five weeks left before the British people decide to “Brexit” or “Bremain” and, arguably, the ramifications of our choice for energy and climate change policies have attracted far less attention in public debate so far than the hot topics of immigration and trade.   

Anybody looking for more detail on the In/Out  debate around energy and climate change should find the Carbon Brief website a useful starting point.  Carbon Brief is a UK-based website covering the latest developments in climate science, climate policy and energy policy.   They specialise in clear, data-driven articles and graphics to help improve the understanding of climate change, both in terms of the science and the policy response. The website is well stocked with up to date articles, interviews and analysis and offers a sign up facility to daily and weekly email summaries of newspaper and online coverage.

In the run up to 23 June Carbon Brief has been running an EU Referendum Opinion Tracker, a resource which tracks the opinions of key players in the world of energy and climate change and presents these in a  concise format  offering a speedy overview of opinions categorised by stance ie Leave, Remain or Neutral.   The opinions collated here  are drawn from key policy makers, opinion formers, experts in energy and climate change from industry and the scientific community.  The summary of opinions provided on the website also links to full quotes and source articles for deeper analysis.

The clock is ticking down to June and with a plethora of issues to consider, and even more potential sources to trawl through, the Carbon Brief Opinion Tracker  is a real boon for those looking to get a spectrum of views on the EU Referendum energy and climate change debate.

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